Morse Blinkies as a Service
Wondering what exactly this is?
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Blinky text
This is the text your blinky will flash in Morse code. Only letters and spaces are allowed here.
Blink rate
100 ms
125 ms
150 ms
200 ms
250 ms
300 ms
350 ms
400 ms
450 ms
500 ms
Length of a Morse code dot in milliseconds.
Blinky type
Single LED
Single LED group
One LED group per letter
You can make a blinky with either a single LED, a group of LEDs that all blink for every eltter, or one with one group of LEDs per letter in your text (so that each group blinks for only a single letter).
Single LED group size
This is the number of LEDs to use if you want multiple LEDs all flashing for every letter.
Multiple LED group sizes
This is the number of LEDs to use for each letter if you want multiple groups of LEDs, one group blinking per letter.
Transistor drivers
Include LED driver transistors?
The LEDs in your blinky will be driven from the outputs of 74HCxx logic gates. If you're driving a single LED, that's OK, but if you're driving multiple LEDs (either one group in total, or one group per letter), you'll probably want transistors between the gate outputs and the LEDs! MBaaS uses
transistors for this, but you could substitute an MMBT3904 from a different manufacturer or more or less any small NPN transistor with the same footprint .
Make my blinky!
Advanced version